Sunday, April 16, 2006


I think I just had one of those days that Carlos was hoping to see on this message board; at least, this is a day that sums up what working a daily news beat is to me.
I love to make pictures, I love to work an assignment, but on days where you shoot eight jobs in one day - it's more of an exercise in simple execution than actual photojournalism. However, that being said, it's days like this that make me realize that shooting news is f____ing incredible. From shooting a possible murder victim to a cat show - it's daily news. I get such a kick out of it.
But, like Carlos eluded to in an earlier post, it's the stuff outside the frame that makes this job worth talking about. But, it's nice to throw a nice pic in every now and then.
I think this post is turning into a question on how we (young sponges of pictures) see ourselves as photojournalists. i.e. - doc/wire/community based/international/commercial - or do we not want to limit ourselves with titles. (wank)
I am curious to hear from everyone, but there should be a good mix with Carlos (big readership), Pike (smaller readership), Harrison (freelance/University), Ashley (freelance/good market) - these are just the names I recognize.
Let's hear it.

Darren Calabrese

oh - and here are five pics from the magical day I spoke of...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you had quite the day Darren! I especially like the candle light photo. Nice light + moment. I'm assuming it was an easter thing?

I like to consider myself a human photographer. or photographer of humans. but that sounds totally pretentious so i would never say that. but i just did.

keep er soft...

16/4/06 11:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know I really don't think you can limit yourself in this business. I like to consider my self a photographer. I wanna be able to go to that Cat show and make good pictures. I wanna go to the big news jobs and make good pictures. Doesn't matter. I wanna make good pictures period. I think if you become fixated on being a portrait photographer, or a sports, doc, whatever photographer is when the other things you do will lack. I try to put as much passion into shooting homes jobs then a news event. However, I have found that it is not always possible to get stoked about a boring job. But you shoot the pictures and move on. One of my favourite pictures I have taken in my short career came from one of those homes jobs. so you never know.

18/4/06 10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point carlos. I found it soooo tough to stay motivated to make good photos while at the daily bake sale or whatever the non event of the day was. And yet, great pics have a habit of showing up on those occasions once in a while. Great photogs will catch those while they pass others by.

Do you ever have photos that you just wish they wouldn't put your name under? Because your embarassed or ashamed? Or do you love all your babies?

18/4/06 3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think ive ever been ashamed of a photo I took. there have been a couple of not so good pictures but still decent enough for the paper.

18/4/06 3:52 PM  
Blogger photogs said...

cocky bastard


18/4/06 10:04 PM  
Blogger photogs said...

Just to clarify - I feel similar to Carlos in that a photo can come out of any job. You just have to be open to it (something I need to work on - I find I work too quickly)
And, when I say "Shooting news", I mean the cat show, the funeral, the sealers, all of the above.
By the way, nice to hear from you Mark.


19/4/06 12:35 PM  

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