Monday, March 20, 2006

The yearbook "daily grind"

Due to the fact that my job consists of covering what you would term "soft news." That is to say, stuff that isn't really news but good for photos, I get to kinda play around while shooting. Trying new and "creative" techniques and such. Anyways a typical weekend of work for me might include shooting concerts, club dancing, formals, arts events etc... Basically you get drunk a lot in the process.

Here's some pix I took from two weekends ago, a commerce formal, and some dancing/party stuff at a campus club. The shit's kinda hitting the fan with essays and exams so I gotta put photography off to the side for a bit. :(
Anyways I hope all you Loyalist dudes have a sick internship lined up for your 3 week.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Harrison, are you using a light of camera with a cord on the first pic? it looks like you have super long arms!!!

21/3/06 11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha yeah! stretch armstrong!

22/3/06 1:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


is there flash on the bartender pic?
the blurring on her hand seems to have some definition in it. Hard to tell.

22/3/06 5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Harrison... Your stuff is looking great. That bar tender shot reminds me of a local hang out in Ottawa. Kinda scary how alike they are.

Congrats on another summer lined up too!

25/3/06 7:59 PM  

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