I was doing a portrait of this kids parents out in the middle of no where. I got the portraits out of thte way quickly so I could make this feature. I told the desk if they didn;t run it I wouldn't shoot any features this weekend. BG
Thanks. I still have a job for now. The Strike/Lockout date is Wednesday at midnight. Not that it has to happen then, that is just when it can legally happen. I also just found out that I won two Dunlop Awards, spot news and feature photography. The Dunlops are the Sun Media awards. Blair
Nice twist on the overused "shoot through the trampoline" shot.
Really Nice frame and good on your for standing up for good photography!
LOL.....so you still have a job?
soooo, did it run?! Great shot!
I saw it in the paper. They didn't run it big enough, but they did run it. Nice shot blair. Good luck with the next few days....
Thanks. I still have a job for now. The Strike/Lockout date is Wednesday at midnight. Not that it has to happen then, that is just when it can legally happen.
I also just found out that I won two Dunlop Awards, spot news and feature photography. The Dunlops are the Sun Media awards.
Awesome shot!
Very nice picture Blair!!!!
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