Cage Fight?
So the Extreme Cage Fighting championships came to the sleepy town of Halifax, NS and it was ridiculous. To each their own, but it's not my thing, I hadn't even really seen it on TV, but I certainly got a good feel for it last night.
So far in my short career, I have never photographed in such a hostile environment. You know those guys who yell at us at a hockey game or junior high basketball game to get out of the way — well I met their evil twins about ten times last night. I had to talk my way out of two fights and get security one time. It was bananas. There were more fights in the stands than in the ring.
It was nuts.
But when I wasn't watching who was going to punch me, I had to make pictures, but only one with blood - the paper wanted atmosphere.
I thought it turned out OK - Of course, feedback and criticism is nice to hear. By the way, I threw a couple in black and white because I reckoned that's how they should be seen.
DC! those photos are on FIRE!!! I especially like the second black and white. The light on the fence is amazing! The composition is also fantastic!! Well Done!!
Great stuff DC,
Love the contrast! Most photogs would look at the fence as an obstacle, but you used it as a graphical element.
I guess there's many ways to convert photos to B&W, I'd like to know your way.
Well done,
Wow. do you have any pics from the crowd? Thats nuts that they wanted to fight you, what was there reasoning... just to fight? or because you were infront of them?
What were you shooting at, the images are not grainy and the colours great, although Im with you I prefer the b/w on these ones. i think it is much stronger.
Thanks guys. I really appreciate the kind words.
Going in, I had the idea of old 1950's boxing pics, so I was always had that in the back of my mind. I actually started shooting wide because it was so difficult to focus through the fence - I was doin' it old school manually, until I knew I had one or two tight action.
Ashley - I was shooting at around f/3.2, 1/250 at 1000 iso - I think. Something like that - the light dropped all over the place, so I was just ballparking.
Oh Marc - I just take the saturation out and use curves.
Yup, these photos are sweet. I like the first B&W. Definitely caputered the mood and atmosphere. These photos are so good I want to kick you in the face. Mortal Kombat!!!
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