Monday, June 26, 2006

PIKE - graduation

Followed a grad for the day . . . 15 hours of shooting and this is what I came up with:

18-year-old Lindsay Baxter graduated along with 186 students from Vincent Massey High School on Friday June 23, 2006. Baxter graduated with honours and will attend Brandon University in the fall with plans to continue her education at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario in two years time. (CHRISTOPHER PIKE/BRANDON SUN)

Lindsay Baxter has her hair done by Vince Sottile, a hair stylist from Vigi Salon & Spa prior to graduating with 186 students from Vincent Massey High School on Friday June 23, 2006.

Lindsay Baxter reacts to a diamond ring that she received as graduation present from her Grandmother on Friday June 23, 2006.
Lindsay Baxter tries on her grad cap prior to her graduation along with 186 students from Vincent Massey High School on Friday June 23, 2006.
This didn't make it into the paper because it was felt that me being in the mirror took away from the photo too much . . . I really like the frame though.

Lindsay Baxter, left to right, Marisa Fordyce, and Sam Boychuk take a picture of themselves prior to their convocation ceremony on Friday June 23, 2006. Baxter, Fordyce and Boychuk were among the 186 students graduating from Vincent Massey High School.

Students from Vincent Massey High School are directed by a teacher into the Keystone Center prior to their graduation ceremony on Friday June 23, 2006. (This didn't make the cut either, because the guy laying out the page thought people wouldn't get it)

Lindsay Baxter poses for the school photographer after getting her diploma along with 186 students from Vincent Massey High School on Friday June 23, 2006. Baxter graduated with honours and will attend Brandon University in the fall with plans to continue her education at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario in two years time.

Lindsay Baxter poses for a group photo with the other honour roll recipients prior to graduating along with 186 students from Vincent Massey High School on Friday June 23, 2006. Baxter graduated with honours and will attend Brandon University in the fall with plans to continue her education at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario in two years time.

Lindsay Baxter and her date Evert Helms enter the Manitoba Room at the Keystone Centre during their graduation along with 186 students from Vincent Massey High School on Friday June 23, 2006. Baxter graduated with honours and will attend Brandon University in the fall with plans to continue her education at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario in two years time.

Vincent Massey students attend safe grad at the Keystone Centre after graduating earlier in the day most of the 186 graduates congregate at the parent chaperoned event on Friday June 23, 2006. Safe grad featured a DJ, fortune teller, poker tables, amond other things.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like that shot that didnt' make the cut, as a stand alone, the motion blur shot probably wouldn't be understood, but included with the rest of them, it fits in fine. Nice work Pike.


27/6/06 1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that it doesn't cut it as a stand alone but this ran as a photo page . . . will post it how it ran

27/6/06 6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was hot and the page looked great, plus you got a day to shoot one job. What more could you ask for ?? :)


28/6/06 10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you get any digits you ole' dog?

28/6/06 11:00 AM  

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