Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Here is a list of the Peg-Head Award winners, handed out in a drunken stupor at the WCNPA Photojournalism Conference this past weekend. Cheers, BG

Joe O'Connall
"Best Handle Bar Mustache"
"Best phone pick-up line, 'Hi my name is Joe and I have a handle bar mustache'"
"Most Likely to yell out, 'Oh! Snap!'"
"Most Quoted, 'Who Wants a Mustache Ride?'"
"Most LIkely to be Groped at a Gay Bar"
"Loudest Snore"

Aaron Lynette
"Best Barber"
"Most Likely to Eat Peanut Butter off Joe's Finger"
"Most Likely to Not Get the Color he Wanted in the Sharpie Draft"

Tara Walton
"Dancing Queen"
"Best Wing-Lady"
"Best Gay-Dar"

Blair Gable
"Best Dressed"
"Most Likely to Get Screwed Out of Shooting a Stanley Cup Playoff"
"Most Red Bull Consumed"
"Most Likely to be Backhanded While Sleeping"

Lisa King
"Best Backhand"

Krystal Jones

Chris Pike
"Most Likely to Scream Obscenities at Darryl Dyck"
"Most Likely to Crash in your Room"
"Most Likely to Whiz off Your Balcony"

Kevin Hill
"Best EVP of Joe with Handlebar Mustache"
"Most Out of Control BBS Thread"

Ryan Jackson
"Most Likely to give Edmonton Sun Staffers a Run for Their Money"
"Most Energy"

Moe Doiron
"Best Boots"
"Most Likely to Get Propositioned in a Gay Bar"
"Best Portfolio Review"

Darryl Dyck
"Most Likely to Use Bed Sheets for White Balance to Take a Well Toned Picture of You Doing Something Stupid"
"WCNPA Photographer of the Year"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad everyone had fun at the WCNPA conference.

As funny as some of these "awards" are......perhaps we should keep in mind that we are not the only ones looking at this blog.

Perhaps some of the "awards" could be percieved as intolerant.....

What happened if a client or editor googled your name and ended up reading something that offended him or her.

Not trying to be a party pooper or anything.....but our reputations precede ourselves in this business.

16/5/06 3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quite frankly......I do not want a phone call from a client that found this blog......contacted me....and said "I saw your pictures on that blog that referenced mustache rides and gay bar groping."

We work hard to portray ourselves as professionals......and the pictures on this board reflect no less........lets keep the language to a professional standard as well.

16/5/06 3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree, this is what the board is all about man. I wasn't at the conference but I enjoy reading about all the debauchery. plus if editors read the board I would hope they would realized that if anything this board is about young photographers coming together. so i for one say no censorship anything goes! yipeeee!

16/5/06 3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe I am wrong about this, Carlos maybe you can shed some light, but I thought this was a place outside forums such as professional bulletin boards for young photographers to come together and express there thoughts, ideas and photos.
I don't think that anyone has forgotten how important outside perceptions and first impressions are in this industry, but at the same time we I think we all need place outside of all the politics and bullshit that we have to deal with from cllients and in newsrooms.
Maybe I am wrong, but I would not be directing my editors and senior photographers to this blog. But maybe others have and are.

It can be taken it down if we want. We all have access to that little editing icon once we are logged in.

16/5/06 3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blair, i couldnt have said it better myself. Personally i have not giving this link to editors or pros. I wanted it to be like you said a place outside of the pro world. I dont want to be a moderator or any sort of authority on this site. So if the majority of people think it should be more professional then thats what it will be. It is not up to me what the blog is or what it should be.

16/5/06 4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well....I am not going to delete Blair's post....nor am I saying it must be removed. Nor am I angry or anything like that......just wanted to point out a few things to consider.

I just don't want anyone who posts here to get burned in any way.

16/5/06 6:37 PM  
Blogger photogs said...

By the way Joe......I love the moustache...wish I could grow one on my baby face....and Pike WOULD piss off a balcony (funny mental picture)......

16/5/06 6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just thought that needed to be said. Is it too late for a moustache ride?

16/5/06 7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jordan, this post will be funny for a week and then forgotten and only occassionally giggled at. We had a week off to party and blow off steam, now are all back to work or starting summer internships or whatever. New and exciting pictures will over take this post in no time. Until the GWNW...

16/5/06 8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, for one, also thought this sight was just for us "young cats" as Carlos would say. I think I made my first impressions this weekend, so whats a blog gonna do? This is probably as wild as this blog will get anyways, and there was Editors involved in this thing as well. Moe is getting hit on at a gay bar a buying us drinks. It was a fun weekend, nothing more, nothing less. So there, that's my thoughts on it. And yes, moustache rides are still available for a bit. Limited time offer.

Joe O

17/5/06 2:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


and thanks for all the awards, I worked really hard on that, it's taken years for me to get where I am today. I can't name everyone, I can't remember most of them, but a couple of big shout-outs to Lynett, Walton, Gable, Hill, Jones, King, Pike, and everyone else involved with this weekend, couldn't have been done without all of your help.

Joe O

17/5/06 2:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey everyone.

Kinda have been out of the loop for a bit. I will post something some day soon. As for the professionalism on the board I am ridding with Carlos and Blair on this one. We can have a personal website to show to clients if we choose. This is just a fun way to keep us all inspired by looking at each others great work and to shed some light back and forth to each other.

And, sounds like I missed a great weekend. I picked Blair up at the air port and he couldn't quit telling stories. Sounds like you kids had a blast!

Can't wait for the GWNW this fall to do it all again, and according to Blair its going to ROCK!

18/5/06 4:47 PM  

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