Wednesday, March 29, 2006


It's kind of late for a reminder but i thought what the hell.


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Queen's Dance Club

Hey everyone! I spent two nights photographing this year's annual Queen's Dance club recital. It features about 500 talented dancers of all different levels and styles of dance. I did more of a candid approach to this event, focusing mainly on what happens off stage. On the technical side, because I was shooting during the event itself and mostly right behind the stage, I was only able to shoot ambient light, no flashes. Its good for practicing really slow exposures handheld.
You can also find more of these images on my personal photoblog, follow the UPDATES link on the bottom of my main page to the photoblog.
ALTERNATIVELY, here's the direct link:

Saturday, March 25, 2006

-Hey everyone. I'm Ashley Fraser, a freelance photographer in Ottawa. For those of you who do not know me I keep busy with regular freelance work with the Ottawa Citizen and part time staff with them on the photo desk. I freelance here and there for other publications too but the Citizen is my main income.
-Thanks to Carlos I just found out about this great blog that I think will be perfect to get some feedback and hand some out.
-This is a pic I shot a week ago or so that I kinda liked. He is Howe Gelb a musician from Arizona that was in Ottawa working with a recording label. I walked into this tiny little studio that was full of CRAP. I had to move everything out of the way and I found this neat light... It was fun to take over the area to make a pic.

Pike wanted me to post both and see what you guys prefer!

Feel free to cut me up as much as you can, That's how I will learn!

-Ashley Fraser

Friday, March 24, 2006

Welcome Darren!

we got the east coast. Now we need someone from the west (further than jordan) and we willl be covered. Im glad that everyone likes the idea of the blog. Yipeeee!!!

Just a hello

Hello everybody. My name is Darren Calabrese and I just wanted to add my name to the ever growing list on the site. I admit that the word "blog" scared me, but the site looks good and the idea is even better. Kudos to Carlos.
Anywho - for those who may not know what I am doing — I am currently shooting a 26-30 hour freelance week with the Halifax Daily News and am stringing for CP, which has been about three assignments a week for the past few months. I actually covered the entire CIS basketball Final 10 tourney in Halifax for CP, which equalled out to 12 - 15 hour days — very close to my dream job.
I will definitely post some pics to be criticized and mocked, but I am in Whistler, BC for a week riding in the 60cm of fresh powder that is falling as I type.

I hope all is well.


Thursday, March 23, 2006


I had a chance to shoot coldplay last night. it was pretty cool because they were filming a live dvd there. The energy was incrdible. these huge balloons fell from the rafters and the lead singer smashed one with his balloon.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Fashion Pt. 2

Well Fashion week was last week in Toronto. I really didn't like shooting the runway stuff. You dial in your exposure and shoot anything that moves on the runway. Pretty easy stuff. The stuff i did like to shoot was backstage. Unfourtunately I only got to go back stage once for like 10 minutes...still Fun.

The yearbook "daily grind"

Due to the fact that my job consists of covering what you would term "soft news." That is to say, stuff that isn't really news but good for photos, I get to kinda play around while shooting. Trying new and "creative" techniques and such. Anyways a typical weekend of work for me might include shooting concerts, club dancing, formals, arts events etc... Basically you get drunk a lot in the process.

Here's some pix I took from two weekends ago, a commerce formal, and some dancing/party stuff at a campus club. The shit's kinda hitting the fan with essays and exams so I gotta put photography off to the side for a bit. :(
Anyways I hope all you Loyalist dudes have a sick internship lined up for your 3 week.



whats up guys? Ken Armstrong here. Here is some pics I've done in the last blittle while. Hope u enjoy. Talk with ya later!

Posting a photo to see if it posts

I'm just posting this to see if it posts, and it did, so... ??? Kenny was having problems loading from the school computer, but they loaded off of my iBook no problem.


Fashion Week

Is any one having trouble posting photos? I've tried on a mac with Firefox and Safari. No go on both.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

PIKE - daily grind

Nothing special, just the daily grind in small town Manitoba

Mackenzie Siba, 13, of Grasslands, Man. rides Qu'Appelle EZ Classic (aka. Jimmy) during a showcase at the Grand Opening celebrations of the Agricultural Centre of Excellence at the Keystone Centre in Brandon on Wednesday Mar. 15, 2006. (Christopher Pike/Brandon Sun)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

PIKE - first day back

Yesterday was my first day back at work in Brandon after being away for five weeks in Euopre. My first assignment was a military funeral, which is not easy to start off with, but what made it even harder was that the family really didn't want any media at the funeral, I was sent anyways, here is what I came back with:

Daphne Wilson, left, wife of Master Cpl. Timothy Wilson of Grande Prairie, Alta., (based out of CFB Shilo), consoles her son Jesse, 9, while daughter Sheralynn, 13, right, watches on as their father is laid to rest in the Brandon Cemetery on Monday. Master Cpl. Wilson was injured when his LAV flipped into a ditch after hitting a taxi in Afghanistan on March 2. He died two day later from his injuries. (Christopher Pike/The Brandon Sun)


Fashion Show, postive rapper and a fashion designer.
Also glad to see my former School House Chums on the blog!!!!

snow-covered road warrior blues

Hey softies,

been up here in Whitehorse working at the Yukon News for almost a year now, hard to believe. Although I feel like I'm completely out of the loop with the business down there, I get the opportunity to cover some unique northern stories.

I just returned from a month on the road. First it was the Yukon Quest Dogsled Race, which took me through the wilds of Alaska and the Yukon for 16 days. Lucky for me it was one of the warmest races in quite awhile, so gear freezing wasn't an issue.
Normally I write and shoot, but for the Quest, we sent a reporter as well, so I was free to spend my days chasing dog teams through the bush, and climbing mountains to get that perfect shot. It was an amazing experience for sure, and one I'll never forget.
After returning home, completely burnt out. I had to turn around and head back to Alaska for the Arctic Winter Games. Not as cool as my first trip, but still an interesting experience. Had to shoot and write this time, though, and that's a real drag.

The coolest part of the Arctics was the Inuit Games, traditional sport events that test agility, strength and the ability to tolerate pain. I've posted shots of the knuckle hop, one-hand reach, and one foot kick.
Not great photography, but an interesting event anyway.

- Ian Stewart

Monday, March 13, 2006

too long in belleville

Hey everyone,
Ashley Camara here, freelancer in the KW area. Got this shot of what happens when you stay too long in Belleville. God only knows what would've happened if Loyalist's photojournalism was a 3 year program.

Love the blog idea Carlos, way to go.


Thursday, March 09, 2006


Hey people,

My name is Christopher Pike and I shoot for the Brandon Sun (not sun media), a daily in Brandon, Manitoba. I did the Loyalist thing, graduating in 2005 with internships at Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press and The London Free Press before getting hired 6 months ago in Brandon.

Still on the road after shooting the Olympics in Torino, so everything is scattered all over my hard drive, but here is one my favorites from the games. (Took a chance by leaving the pack, missed the normal team photo “Stanley Cup style”, but came out with something different that no one else got).



Fans reach out from the stands to touch Katie Weatherston's gold medal while Gillian Apps, left, and Gina Kingsbury, right, celebrate after Canada beat Sweden in the women's ice hockey gold medal game during Day 10 of the 2006 Winter Olympic Games on February 20, 2006 at the Palasport Olimpico in Turin, Italy.


So, Kenny needed a ride to TO this morning to do his celebrity portrait and I offered him a ride. We got to the Rogers Center and sat and waited on the Off The Record set for Pinball Clemons to show up. They were doing tv spots for a promotional campaign and Kenny was basically allowed to just shoot from behind the TV cameras. It was pretty fun, Pinball is a great guy, super nice, he gave us hugs when he was introduced to us. The TV guys were using their own lights and stuff, so we didn't really need to light anything, it was pretty nice. I was supposed to just be there to help with anything, but I ended up shooting too, no set up or anything, so why not. The first two are just tight and bright stuff, he's got good facial expressions, and he's very animated. The last one, the TV camera guy had zoomed in on his championship ring and Pinball was looking off camera to see it on a TV sitting to the right of the stage.

Joe O

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I had to photograph an exhibit of 2000 dead birds which slam into torontos financial district. They are recovered by an organization called FLAP , Fatal Light Awarness Program. It was pretty weird seeing so many dead birds in one place. It was 'flapping' crazy!!!! I also ran into Toronto Freelancer Malcolm Taylor!!!

Website and a few Recent Wedding Shots

I made a .com address recently.

The news section is going to be added promptly.

Also, I shot a wedding a few weeks ago, thought I would share two pictures.



Got a concert pic from the weekend. amazing ensemble played at the Winspear Centre in Edmonton on Friday evening. Talk about low light......yikes.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Greetings from the dark side

So I thought I'd chime in. I finished at Loyalist last year and interned at the Buffalo News for four months and then fumbled into a part time gig at Canadian Press. No shooting for me, but I've gotta say the editing desk is pretty cool. I chase photos, edit them, do some assigning. There's always lots going on. Every once in a while, I've had to call up a poor freelancer and say, 'get in your car and start driving.' And they do.

I still get out to shoot. I do a bit of freelance for the Metroland papers in the area, but mostly, I'm back to shooting my passion, which is my outdoor adventures. The above pic is definitely off balance, but it helps me remember what it's like to walk across a frozen lake in near whiteout.

Anyhow, hope all is well with you lot. And if you find yourself at a CP member paper (basically everything but the National Post), please file stuff to us. We usually run it. Don't think anything important is going on where you are? Keep in mind that our champion CP contributor this past month was none other than the Peterborough Examiner.

Andrew Norman

RSS Feed

Really Simple Syndication is a way for a person to subscribe to a blog and be notified every time it is updated.

If you have the newest version of OSX it is really easy to do. simply copy this link
into your bookmarks and every time the blog is updated it will show up like the first pic above
this is an example with another site which offers RSS but it will show up the same if you have safari.

or you could click on the button on the sidebar to subscribe.


A cool blog idea

Hey everyone!!! My name is Harrison Smith and I'm in 2nd year at Queen's University studying Sociology. Before I came to Queen's I did the Loyalist thing, and I feel for those of you itching to get the hell out of Belleville and into the workforce. If you're still trying to figure out what to do after Loyalist, I'd definitely recommend continuing your studies at the University level.

This photo I took during Queen's Model Parliament way back in January, it was taken in a night club in Ottawa during our extensive nights of partying.

I also have a website anyways I definitely think this is a cool idea for a blog, looking forward to getting to know everyone on this 'forum.'


and you are?

Hey guys,

My name is Joe O'Connal for those of you who don't know who I am. 2nd year PhotoJ student at Loyalist right now, hopefully graduating?? don't know what's going to happen with this strike. So I'm still in Belleville, I just got a three week internship at the Toronto Sun starting April 3rd, and I'm SUPER stoked about that. I don't really want to go home to BC after the school year, I would like stay out here and try and make it, but who knows what's going to happen.

So Carlos Osorio has spearheaded this little movement and I think it's a great idea, let us get to know each other a little better, and better yet, to see each others photos, stuff we've done recently, get feedback and what not. Let each other in on anything of importance, sounds like a cool idea to me. So I decided to get on it right away seeing as how I have all this free time on my hands right now because of this strike.

This is a photo I took a little while ago for staff class. Hope to see other stuff soon.

Joe O

Bike shot.

Lacrosse is about the same in Edmonton. I can get shutter speeds slightly faster than the TO arena though with a 70-200 F2.8.

Those images were shot with a 200 1.8. 1/500 sec. @ F2.2 @ 800 ISO

The 70-200 is almost useless in that light, especially because you get no reflection of light from ice.

Here is a recent portrait I did of my cousin on the bike he built. Portraits are not my strong suit, but I think this one isn't half bad.

yah this is great

Im glad we are getting some people on board. Joe, can't wait to your in toronto man. its nice to have young cats from loyalist breaking in.
Jordan, good to hear from you buddy! I will never forget the slow clap for you at Jess lucci's place. BTW how is the light when you shoot lacrosse in Edmonton. In Toronto Its shit!!!!! big time. 1600 1/125h 2.8 super shitt!!

here is a recent pic from a rally at queens park

Edmonton Rush vs. Arizona Sting


Hello all, Jordan Verlage here, based out of Edmonton, Alberta.

Shot some Lacrosse the other night. Comments and critique welcome.

Gallery here:


Hopefully if enough people join we can make this a really cool photoblog. Think of this as a place to show your work and get some feeback on it. The more people that we get on board with this idea the better. So say you have a photo and arent really sure if you like it or not. or need a second opinion. So you log on to and post your photo. then anyone can respond and say wether they like it or not. Simple.