Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Recent Stuff

Here is just some recent struff I have been shooting.

1) Amos Tirop Matui, from Kenya, crossed the finish line first but placed third because he and a number of other runners missed a part of the course while running the Ottawa Marathon during the National Capitol Race Weekend. How do you shoot a backlit Kenyan without causing your background to go supernova?

2) With the Davinci Code reflected in her shades, university student Ewa Kozakiewicz enjoys her day off from studying to take in some rays and do a little reading at Moonies Bay Beach on a sweltering Monday afternoon.

3) Peter Njoroge, from Kenya, looks up after hearing that although he crossed the line fifth, he will actually place seventh because he and several other runners missed a part of the course during the National Capitol Race Weekend.

4) Janna Dickinson, 19 from Ottawa, with her four-month-old pet rat VJ (Vibrating Jailbait) at the Operation Go Home office. I used window light and only a few minutes with a jumpy street person with a rat that lived in her armpit.



So I had to cover the funeral of Heather Crowe, the woman spearheading the smoke free Ontario campaign for the Lung Association, and I have never been more disgusted with the media thatn I was that day. As soon as the womans daughter came out of the church, she was scrummed by the media. No grieving space, no hugs, no tears.... It was more like a press conference or a wedding, than a funeral. One camera guy from the A Channel was wearing sandals, shorts and all white clothing.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


052906--Halifax, NS; MEMORIAL DAY--Members of the US Consulate General in Halifax and local US Military Exchange Officers bow their heads in prayer during a Memorial Day ceremony on Deadman's Island in Halifax, NS on Monday, May 29, 2006. Historians have concluded that nearly 200 American prisoners of the War of 1812 died while confined in Halifax, NS and today's ceremony recognized those American servicemen with a monument identifying each of the dead.
Darren Calabrese/Halifax Daily News

Just one pic i wanted to post from yesterday. I am pretty happy with this picture. I find I am drawn into the couple bowing their heads at the right edge of the frame.


Monday, May 29, 2006

grinding it out.

Some pics from the weekend. It was a slow one, but let's see what's in the ol' treat bag here...We've got the Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor and some heavy artillery; then we have a surf feature (great surf this weekend by the way, though the view wasn't great); and finally a little soccer.

one love


Sunday, May 28, 2006

rebels with a cause?

Hey guys and Ashley,

Pretty fun night! The old back was a little sore, but managed to avoid both getting a beer bottle to the head, and getting water-logged thanks to the Fire Dept.

One tv cameraman hired a security guard (larger guy than most cops) to keep an eye on him... not a bad idea for a tv guy, they have larger targets on them than us.

Most people think the chaos will grow with each win, but I think this will go down in the books as being the craziest.

Go Oilers!


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Giddy up!!

Doors Open -- 05/27/2006 --Members of the Toronto Police Mounted Unit perform a Drill Ride inside the Horse Palace Riding Ring.This Week is Doors Open Toronto when over 140 buildings of architectural, historic or cultural significance open their doors to the public for a city-wide celebration.
(Carlos Osorio/Toronto Star)

hey guys, great light in this building!! I like this photo. i dont think the paper is using it. but i like it anyway! any thoughts?

Way to go Edmonton

Hey Marcus Can't wait to hear some stories and see some pics from the festivities that are just about to start...........

Way to go EDMONTON !

-Ashley Fraser

The Young Cats of Canadian Photojournalism

Nice name change for the blog. 'Photography' was kinda bland. I'm assuming it was Carlos that changed it? Good work Carlos.

Joe O

Friday, May 26, 2006


Hey everyone.
Here are a few pics I have shot in the past week or two for the Citizen. Sophie Harkat is the woman infront of the flame on parliment hill. Her husband just got word that he will be released from prioson on some serious terms. The guy looking in the mirror is a clown off duty at Cirque du Soleil behind the scenes. It was neat to be able to walk out on the stage when no one was there and see all the work that goes into producing the travelling show. Then the kid running is just from a local track meet.

Things have been busy and have been going very well here in Ottawa.

-Ashley Fraser

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Favorite first week assignment.

Hi my name is Kevin Hill, First time poster, long time reader.
I started at the Oakville beaver last week and so far this has been my favorite assignment. I think you will enjoy.
Doug Ball poses with his 1956 Corvette. He is surrounded by fellow car enthusiasts Jane, Kristyna and Holly.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

on tv tonight

For those interested:

midnight tonight (manitoba time), on Bravo a movie called 'Harrison's Flowers' : An American wife travels to the war-torn Balkans to find her photojournalist husband, who has been reported dead.

Never seen it before, so should be interesting.


Corporate Photography

I've been doing some corporate photography....these photos are from my latest contract. These guys are partners in a design company called cooler solutions...they needed portraits for their website. I tried to creatively reflect their jobs (i.e. an engineer, concept designer, and business manager). They were fun guys wanted something different. What do you think?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


**i added a different crop. any thoughts?.**

Hello, well in the last while i haven't been shooting. I had appendicitis and my appendix was surgically removed. I am back to work now and here is a photo from today.

McGuinty -- 05/23/2006 --Premier Dalton McGuinty walks to a press conference where he announced a cabinet shuffle. Greg Sorbara becomes Minister of Finance and Chair of the Management Board Cabinet, Dwight Duncan becomes Minister of Energy and Chair of Cabinet, Donna Cansfield becomes Minister of Transportation and Harinder Takhar becomes Minister for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
(Carlos Osorio/Toronto Star)

Marathons = Suck

I had to cover the Halifax International Marathon yesterday and, boy, was it a long day taking pictures of people running. I shot them running straight on, I shot them running from the side, I shot them running from above, I shot them running from behind, I shot them running with short glass, I shot them running with long glass, I shot them running with a slow shutter, I shot...Well. There you have it. I am lonely.


Monday, May 22, 2006

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Is anyone else noticing that we've been receiving quite a bit of spam recently?
Maybe we should set our blog so that you have to be logged in to post...


Friday, May 19, 2006


well its a slow night in the office tonight on the desk, and all of a sudden the cop reporter comes running over and ask's if I have my camera. Im thinking there is a fire in the parking lot or something fun like that. Nope, deal is he just about lost his tooth on a screw in his bacon mushroom melt and needed me to take pics so he could try to get some free stuff. Just wanted to post this to make sure everyone watches there burgers and they don't loose any teeth! hahahahaha


Thursday, May 18, 2006


This just in... "CanWest MediaWorks has stopped the presses on Dose"

About frigin' time.


Circus Freak

My circus freak brother came down from Montreal for some promotional pics. For those of you who haven't ventured into brickworks in Toronto's DVP yet, you should go and check it out.



Check out this months issue of This magazine for my photos from Haiti.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Posting PDF

Hey Everyone,

How do you post a PDF on this blog?



Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Here is a list of the Peg-Head Award winners, handed out in a drunken stupor at the WCNPA Photojournalism Conference this past weekend. Cheers, BG

Joe O'Connall
"Best Handle Bar Mustache"
"Best phone pick-up line, 'Hi my name is Joe and I have a handle bar mustache'"
"Most Likely to yell out, 'Oh! Snap!'"
"Most Quoted, 'Who Wants a Mustache Ride?'"
"Most LIkely to be Groped at a Gay Bar"
"Loudest Snore"

Aaron Lynette
"Best Barber"
"Most Likely to Eat Peanut Butter off Joe's Finger"
"Most Likely to Not Get the Color he Wanted in the Sharpie Draft"

Tara Walton
"Dancing Queen"
"Best Wing-Lady"
"Best Gay-Dar"

Blair Gable
"Best Dressed"
"Most Likely to Get Screwed Out of Shooting a Stanley Cup Playoff"
"Most Red Bull Consumed"
"Most Likely to be Backhanded While Sleeping"

Lisa King
"Best Backhand"

Krystal Jones

Chris Pike
"Most Likely to Scream Obscenities at Darryl Dyck"
"Most Likely to Crash in your Room"
"Most Likely to Whiz off Your Balcony"

Kevin Hill
"Best EVP of Joe with Handlebar Mustache"
"Most Out of Control BBS Thread"

Ryan Jackson
"Most Likely to give Edmonton Sun Staffers a Run for Their Money"
"Most Energy"

Moe Doiron
"Best Boots"
"Most Likely to Get Propositioned in a Gay Bar"
"Best Portfolio Review"

Darryl Dyck
"Most Likely to Use Bed Sheets for White Balance to Take a Well Toned Picture of You Doing Something Stupid"
"WCNPA Photographer of the Year"


Hello everybody — I guess i am the lucky guy to follow Colin's Uganda pics. So, here's an update of pictures from the weekend. We've got a typical Halifax fog weather feature, general football pic, a portrait of a family after the boy was approached and nearly abducted on his street, and a pic of former NS premier John Hamm leaving the Legislature for perhaps the last time.
Oh, by the way, did I mention I shot all of these pics with my middle finger and a cast/splint on my index finger. I am awesome and decided to break my finger Friday night around 2 a.m. with a bunch of delicious dark beer in my belly; so I spent the rest of the night at Emergency and worked a 13 hour day on Saturday because a provincial election was called. The one good piece of news from the doctor though, was that he said I set my finger back into place perfectly.


Monday, May 15, 2006

more uganda

Here are a few more from Uganda.



Hi Everyone,

Thought I'd jump on here. Carlos, what a great site! Its nice to see what some of the Loyalist keeners have been up to lately. I've been freelancing in Toronto and have scraped by with two trips to Haiti and spent a recent month and a half in Uganda. Half the time I was shooting video for a documentary and the other half stills. Here's a few pics....let me know what you'll think.


"I think I'm going to go down to the bar for a drink" .......... "Joe, I don't think thats such a good idea"

Speaking of moustache rides..., I'm going to keep it for awhile, at least until I start at the Toronto Sun. I get such funny looks from people, and I always forget that I have it. It's quite hilarious. Thanks for the shave Lynett.